Monday, May 31, 2021

Dividend report: May 2021

May is over! Let's see how many companies sent me a dividend check for my ownership. These checks are the results of decisions I made earlier in life, sometimes years ago, where I decided to purchase shares in these companies. Nowaydays I still collect these checks but I have to do absolutely nothing to receive them. They just get deposited in my brokerage account, no questions asked. Isn't that great?!

A total of just under € 100. Six companies paid me dividends with my first ever payment from Bristol-Myers Squibb in the month of May. A big raise from Deere, while the rest of my holdings increased their dividend slightly compared to last year. Based on a constant exchange rate my dividend income grew by just over 11% compared to last year. However, because of the decline in the FX-rate I received about the same in Euros.

Currently my dividend income is around € 2.060.  I have about 3% in cash, with more deposits on the way. I am looking to start a new position or to add to my current positions. I do find it somewhat hard to find a good candidate. I kinda missed the INTC drop in the last two weeks, could have used the dip to increase my position slightly. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks!

How was your May? What is your watchlist?

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