March is over! Already the 3rd month of a new year.
All in all a decent month with rising stock markets. Biggest winners are Deere (+12%), XOM (+10%) and HASI/CMI/Shell (both +9%). Biggest losers are UNP and Intel (-3 to 4%).
Let's see how many companies sent me a dividend check for my ownership. These checks are the results of decisions I made earlier in life, sometimes years ago, where I decided to purchase shares in these companies. Nowaydays I still collect these checks but I have to do absolutely nothing to receive them. They just get deposited in my brokerage account, no questions asked. Isn't that great?!
- Dividend cut from Intel.
- Dividend cut from BHP
Without these events my "regular" dividend income grew nicely. This is mainly the result of additional purchases in UNP (here and more recently here), O (here and here), JNJ (here and here) Throw in some nice dividend increases from Shell and some smaller raises from other companies and this is the result.
So all in all a decent month!

In the graph above I've showed my monthly dividend income. You can see the rather small increase from March 2023 but the underlying trend is still up.
In the graph below I've showed my cumulative dividend income. The cumulative dividend income is about the same as last year at this point in time. I expect to see a little growth in the coming months, but nothing too serious.
Currently my annual dividend income is around € 10.650. This is a slight increase compared to last month because of the purchase of BEPC, and a few DRIPS (Shell, Unilever).
How was your March? What is your watchlist for the next month?
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