In this post I will take a closer look at my portfolio performance during 2019. It's been a formidable year in terms of price appreciation, that's probably not a big suprise.
26% rate of return
First, let's take a look at the rate of return of my portfolio. I started the year with a portfolio value of roughly € 31.400. During the year I deposited around € 3.800,- which consisted of about € 2.200,- in my regular brokerage account and almost € 1.600,- in my employer stock program. The ending value of my portfolio is € 43.500,-. The rate of return when taking into account the timing of my deposits during the year, is about 26%.
I've made some benchmark calculations using national and global total return stock indices (VWRL, AEXGR and SWTSX). These alternatives would have returned about 25 to 29% last year. This is without taking into account the costs for these alternatives. So all in all I am doing just fine with my dividend growth portfolio, especially because my portfolio has a beta of around 0,7x so it supposedly is less volatile than a broad index.

28% more dividends received
During 2019 I received about € 1.340,- in dividends after taxes. Note: I can reclaim the 15% dividend tax with my yearly tax return. This amount is 28% higher than last year!
37% higher forward dividend income
I started last year with a forward dividend income of € 1.225,- (before taxes). Currently my dividend growth portfolio is expected to generate about € 1.680,-. This is an increase of 37% which is totally awesome and definitely bodes well for next year.
So all in all it was a solid great year! The downside is that stocks are becoming more expensive to purchase. In a few days I'll provide an update about my first purchase this year.
How was your 2019? Are you satisfied?
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