Sunday, February 7, 2021

Dividend report: January 2021

It's the first time of the year for my monthly dividend report! It's crazy to see that January is already over. Let's see how many companies sent me a dividend check for my ownership. These checks are the results of decisions I made earlier in life, sometimes years ago, where I decided to purchase shares in these companies. Nowaydays I still collect these checks but I have to do absolutely nothing to receive them. They just get deposited in my brokerage account, no questions asked. Isn't that great?!

That's some dividend income right there! It's almost doubled compared to last year! My own employer decided to pay a dividend because our financiel results last year were solid, even with COVID-19. There's also a kicker because the final dividend from fiscal year 2019 wasn't paid last year due to the uncertainties. Together with my extra purchase of 20 shares last year the dividend payment ballooned to €600 before taxes.

However my dollar-denominated growth wasn't too bad either. Small annual increases from WMT, PM, O and a somewhat bigger increase from BAX. One of my latest additions CISCO also paid its dividend for the first time in january.

So its definitely a good start in 2021! In the last week I also received a few dividend increases which raised my forward dividend income to € 1.900, but more on that in a later post. I am also close to reaching the € 50.000 milestone in portfolio value. We'll see what happens in the market in the coming weeks.

How was your first month of the year?


  1. That is the way to start 2021 baby!

    SD Growth

  2. Great stuff ADD! Looks like you're well on your way to crushing 2020's total.
