Saturday, February 13, 2016

Monthly Update: January 2016

The markets started the new year with a blast. There are a lot of worries about China and other developing economies, talks about global recession and whatnot. Since I am planning to buy a house in the near future my deposits are and will continue to remain zero. However I do still receive dividends which in time can be used to invest. In the table below I have shown some benchmark indicators of general market indices and my own dividend growth portfolio. It wasn't really a good month, but hey.

As of 31-12As of 31-1% change
S&P 500 Total Return3.8223631,96-5,0%
Dow Jones Industrials Total Return35.72633.802-5,4%
AEX GR1.3281.297-2,4%
Portfolio value€ 22.570 € 21.694 -3,9%

However, since I am in it for the long haul I am not too interested in these daily or monthly fluctuations. What matters is that I keep focused on buying high quality companies which provide me with a steady stream of growing dividends.


Dividends received
Four separate companies paid me dividends during this month.
  • WMT: 20 shares @ $0.49 for a total of $9.80
  • BAX: 22 shares @ $0.115 for a total of $2.53
  • BXLT: 22 shares @ $0.07 for a total of $1.54
  • PM: 17 shares @ $1.02 for a total of $17.34
Total: around €24 after tax, which is almost slightly lower than last year due to the dividend reduction of the combination BAX/BXLT. However, I did sell another (covered) TGH call which netted me €30. So total income including option premium is €54.

Dividend increases or decreases during this month

Yearly forward dividend
My 12-month forward dividend rate is now €920, compared to €940 last month. Nothing changed except the EUR.USD rate.

Seeking Alpha articles


  1. DD,

    It's too bad that you're caught up trying to buy a house right now. With the markets giving such good discounts on some of the key DGI stocks, it's a hard candy to not want to bite into! On the other hand, at least you're saving that money for something that will ultimately (if you make good choices) make a great investment (house). It will be interesting to see your growth this year without placing any more into your portfolio other than your YOY growth with your paid dividends.

    -Dividend Monster

    1. Hi DividendMonster, thanks for leaving a comment! Yeah it's definitely hard not being able to pounce on the recent market weakness. But being approved for a mortgage probably has a higher expected yield because it makes the misses happy ;)

      Maybe I can deposit some money in the 2nd half of the year, we'll have to see how things develop.

  2. Hey Dividend Dream,

    Congrats on the next step in life: buying a house.
    Hope you will find a nice property soon.

    Fortunately these dividends are still coming in, despite you are not actively investing at the moment.

    One thing though, the yellow bar on the white background is barely visible..

    Best wishes, DfS

    1. Hi DfS, thanks for taking the time to comment. Maybe some smaller deposit combined with dividends amount to a decent amount which I can use to invest. We'll have to wait and see.

      Thanks for your tip about the graph. I'll have a look at it on another machine to see how it looks.

  3. Very solid dividend income and the YOY growth is very impressive. Buying a house is a huge milestone. Congrats.
