August is over! Summer has ended and we are more than halfway in 2022. August was a positive month with regards to the stock market, at least for the first few weeks. The last week however was full of down days. Either way I am not too worried about price fluctuations. In the end it's all about the dividend income. Since I am not a seller of stocks at this point in my life, I don't really care about lower prices.
Let's see how many companies sent me a dividend check for my ownership. These checks are the results of decisions I made earlier in life, sometimes years ago, where I decided to purchase shares in these companies. Nowaydays I still collect these checks but I have to do absolutely nothing to receive them. They just get deposited in my brokerage account, no questions asked. Isn't that great?!
A total of just over €115 after tax. Five companies paid me dividends. The dividend income decreased by about 11% compared to last year. But this is due to a favorable USD-rate. The dividend cut (and subsequent sale) of T reduced my dividend income. This decrease was mitigated by two dividend raises from Deere in the last twelve months. Other dividend raises from KMI, OHI, O were somewhat muted (or none-existent). BMY delivered a solid dividend raise.
In the graph below I've showed my cumulative dividend income for 2022 (which obviously is just the first eight months of the year). But it shows that I earned more dividends compared to the whole of last year !

Currently my annual dividend income is almost € 11.000. This is a big jump from last month. That's because of a series of purchases from yesterday and today. I will write a separate post about it soon.
How was your August? What is your watchlist?